
Reorder, add and drop axes.


This transform allows the order of the input axes to be shuffled and returned as the output axes.

It is a list made up of integers. Each item in the list corresponds to an output axis. Each item is the index of the input axis to send to the output axis.

If an object with mapping and n_inputs properties is provided, the number of input axes is explicitly set by the n_inputs value. If only a list is provided, the number of input axes is automatically determined from the maximum index in the list.

Invertibility: This transform does not have a general analytical inverse. In some well defined cases it is possible to invert automatically


Schema Definitions

This node must validate against all of the following:

  • This type is an object with the following properties:

    • n_inputs


      Explicitly set the number of input axes. If not provided, it is determined from the maximum index value in the mapping list.

    • mapping



For 2 input axes, swap the axes:

  mapping: [1, 0]

For 2 input axes, return the second axis and drop the first:

  mapping: [1]

For 2 input axes, return the first axis twice, followed by the second:

  mapping: [0, 0, 1]

The above example is equivalent to the following, and ASDF implementations are free to normalize it thusly: :

    - !transform/remap_axes-1.3.0
      mapping: [0]
    - !transform/remap_axes-1.3.0
      mapping: [1]

Here we have 3 input axes, but we are explicitly dropping the last one:

  mapping: [0, 1]
  n_inputs: 3

Internal Definitions

  • mapping

    No length restriction

    Items in the array are restricted to the following types:


  • Original Schema

    %YAML 1.1
    $schema: ""
    id: ""
    title: >
      Reorder, add and drop axes.
    description: |
      This transform allows the order of the input axes to be shuffled and
      returned as the output axes.
      It is a list made up of integers.  Each item
      in the list corresponds to an output axis. Each item is the index of
      the input axis to send to the output axis.
      If an object with `mapping` and `n_inputs` properties is provided, the
      number of input axes is explicitly set by the `n_inputs` value.
      If only a list is provided, the number of input axes is
      automatically determined from the maximum index in the list.
      Invertibility: This transform does not have a general analytical inverse.
      In some well defined cases it is possible to invert automatically
        - For 2 input axes, swap the axes
        - |
              mapping: [1, 0]
        - For 2 input axes, return the second axis and drop the first
        - |
              mapping: [1]
        - For 2 input axes, return the first axis twice, followed by the second
        - |
              mapping: [0, 0, 1]
        - |
            The above example is equivalent to the following, and ASDF
            implementations are free to normalize it thusly:
        - |
                - !transform/remap_axes-1.3.0
                  mapping: [0]
                - !transform/remap_axes-1.3.0
                  mapping: [1]
        - Here we have 3 input axes, but we are explicitly dropping the last one
        - |
              mapping: [0, 1]
              n_inputs: 3
        type: array
          type: integer
      - $ref: "transform-1.2.0"
      - properties:
            description: |
              Explicitly set the number of input axes.  If not provided,
              it is determined from the maximum index value in the
              mapping list.
            type: integer
            $ref: "#/definitions/mapping"
        required: [mapping]